Grand Steel Piling
/ Knowledge /VL 604A,VL 604K,VL 604Z,VL 605A,VL 605+0.5,VL 605K,VL 606A,VL 606A+0.5,steel sheet pile

VL 604A,VL 604K,VL 604Z,VL 605A,VL 605+0.5,VL 605K,VL 606A,VL 606A+0.5,steel sheet pile

Steel sheet pile VL 604A resort VL 604Z had long VL 604K been a typical VL 605A summer campground and RV site that suffered from lack of upkeep and capital improvements. A standard railing shall consist of top rail, intermediate rail, toe board, and posts. It shall have a vertical height of 39 inches to 45 inches from upper surface of top rail to floor, platform, runway, or ramp level.Each length of lumber shall be smooth surfaced throughout the length of the railing.Crib members, headers and stretchers, shall be designed as beams VL 604A supported at their intersections and subjected to the pressure of the wall fill within the cells and the pressure of the retained soil. With these VL604A environmental VL604K constraints in VL604Z mind, Beyond Hope's investors put together an integrated and comprehensive plan to develop the site beginning with a complete reconstruction of the existing dilapidated boat VL 604Z basin. The intermediate rail shall be halfway between the top rail and the floor, platform, runway, or ramp.The depth of the marina is about 6 to 7 feet during high VL 604K season. Bearing stresses shall be checked between bottom headers and stretchers due to loading from the tributary area of base pressure.

Because sheet pile VL 605+0.5 level fluctuates VL 605K considerably, the option VL 606A of VL 606A+0.5 building floating docks that would rise and fall with the lake's surface was problematic.The ends of the rails shall not overhang the terminal posts except where such overhang does not VL 606A constitute a projection hazard. Bearing stresses shall be checked between headers and stretchers at intermediate levels due to loading from the vertical frictional forces and deadloads acting on the headers and stretchers.When the lake's water levels are drawn down in the VL 606A+0.5 fall, developers could consider scheduling initial earthmoving operations without adversely impacting the lake's natural resources or having to resort to erecting expensive sheet piling to protect the environment. VL606A+0.5 double-headed VL605A nails shall not be VL605+0.5 used in the VL605K construction of VL606A guardrail systems. 6. Minimum requirements for standard railings under various types of construction are specified in the following:

When driving sheet piling to dewater VL 605A shoreline projects, both the aquatic and bottom organisms are adversely affected during driving operations and when the area landward of the piling is subsequently pumped out for construction operations.For wood VL 605+0.5 railings, the posts shall be of at least 2 x 4 stock spaced not to exceed 8 feet; the top rail shall be of at least 2 x 4 stock; the intermediate rail shall be of at least 1 x 6 VL 605K stock. b. For pipe railings, posts and top and intermediate railings shall be at least 1-1/2 inches nominal OD diameter with posts spaced not more than 8 feet on center.

Section Dimensions Mass Moment
of inertia
of section
Width Height Thickness Per pile Wall
b h t s        
mm mm mm mm kg/m kg/m2 cm4/m cm3/m
IIIn 400 290 13 9 62.2 155.5 23206 1600
VL 504A 500 340 11.2 8.7 63.5 127 24198 1423
VL 504 500 340 12 9 66.6 133.2 25575 1504
VL 504K 500 340 13 9.3 70.3 140.6 27233 1602
VL 507A 500 437 17.5 10.2 92.3 184.6 61185 2800
VL 601 600 310 7.5 6.4 46.3 77.2 11530 744
VL 601 FP 600 310 7.2 7 47.4 79 11547 745
VL 601K 600 310 7.8 6.8 48.5 80.8 12019 775
VL 602A 600 310 8 7.3 51.3 85.5 12499 806
VL 602 600 310 8.4 7.6 53.4 89 13046 842
VL 602K 600 310 8.8 7.9 55.4 92.3 13590 877
VL 602+0.5 600 311 8.9 8.1 56 93.3 13905 894
VL 603A 600 320 9 8.0 61.5 102.5 18205 1138
VL 603A+ 600 320.4 9.2 8.1 62.4 104 18601 1161
VL 603 600 320 9.6 8.2 64.2 107 19199 1200
VL 603K 600 320 9.8 9.0 67.8 113 19853 1241
VL 603Z 600 322 10 10 72.1 120.2 20930 1300
VL 603Z11 600 320 11 11 78.6 131 22470 1404
VL 604A 600 390 9.6 8.8 71 118.3 30495 1564
VL 604 600 390 10 9 73.1 121.8 31548 1618
VL 604K 600 390 10.4 9.2 75.2 125.3 32600 1672
VL 604Z 600 390 10.8 10 79.5 132.5 34087 1748
VL 605A 600 420 10.7 9 76.5 127.5 38243 1821
VL 605 600 420 12.3 9.2 82.1 136.8 42433 2021
VL 605+0.5 600 421 12.8 9.7 85.2 142 44435 2111
VL 605K 600 420 12.4 10 85.7 142.8 43435 2068
VL 606A 600 430 13.4 9 85.4 142.3 47402 2205
VL 606A+0.5 600 431 13.9 9 86.9 144.9 48893 2269
VL 606 600 430 15.8 9.3 93.9 156.5 53785 2502