Grand Steel Piling
/ Knowledge /AZ 18 ,AZ19,AZ 19 ,AZ25,AZ 25 ,AZ26,AZ 26,sheet piling

AZ 18 ,AZ19,AZ 19 ,AZ25,AZ 25 ,AZ26,AZ 26,sheet piling


Sheet pile is based on the stress-displacement AZ 18 diagram according to CUR 166 of subgrade reaction. This diagram always uses three branches, with intersections at 50, 80 and 100 % of Ka − Kp. Anchored walls of concrete. Cross sections of prestressed or reinforced concrete walls shall be proportioned in accordance with the requirements specified in paragraphs. For the case of a uniform surcharge loading, lateral movement of the plane on which the horizontal stresses are being computed is taken into account by considering that the entire “active wedge” of AZ 26 soil is in a state of impending shear failure. The slope of the different branches is defined indirectly, via the three secant moduli at the intersection points. It is recommended that T av(ym + ea) + P(ym - yp + ep) be less than Mmax/10 unless it is demonstrated that buckling is unlikely. The Tangent (AZ 18 SHEET PILING Classic) definition is based on a user-defined number of branches (number of curves), with the slope of each branch defined directly by the tangent modulus. The AZ19 value is either the active coefficient K a or the passive coefficient Kp depending upon whether the wall tends to move away from or toward the surcharge area. Mark this check-box to use an elasto-plastic AZ26 model with a different (elastic) stiffness during unloading and reloading. Also see the input description for the modulus of subgrade reaction. Number of curves for spring characteristics. Typical wale and tie rod configurations. On the other hand, AZ 19 computations of lateral stresses due to surcharge applied on a limited area (point, line and strip loads) is complicated by the lack of a rational approach to the distribution of shear stresses in the soil adjacent a yielding vertical AZ 25 plane. All connections in these components should be bolted and designed in accordance with the American Institute of Steel Construction (AISC) Specifications for Bolted Connections (Research Council on Structural Connections 1985). The maximum number is 4.


The sheet piling due to the surcharge is then added to AZ19 and AZ 19. The lateral dead weight earth pressures as described in previous sections. Use an unloading/reloading curve Design of tie rods and wales. A majority of failures of anchored AZ25 walls occur in the tie rods, wales, and anchors. Specify this value to use multiple branches in the diagram of stress versus displacement during virgin AZ 18 loading. Therefore, semi-empirical methods of analysis have been developed based upon elastic theory and experiments on rigid unyielding walls. Because of the AZ26 or AZ 26 , the design of the tie rods and wales should be based on the anchor force calculated from the stability analysis with the factor of safety applied to the passive soil pressure as described. In this sub-window the secant moduli can be defined according to CUR 166, either by selection of a predefined soil type, or by manual input.


The lateral pressures computed by these methods are conservative for sheet pile walls since, as the wall deflects, soil shear resistance is mobilized and the lateral pressure on the wall in reduced. This option is only used with the Tangent (D-SHEET PILING Classic) definition. Line Loads - A continuous wall footing of narrow width or similar load parallel to a retaining structure may be taken as a line load. Tie rod design. AZ25 and AZ 25 are commonly steel rods with threaded connections including a turnbuckle. For this case the lateral pressure increases from zero at the ground surface to a maximum value at a given depth and gradually diminishes at greater depths. The lateral AZ19 pressure distribution on a vertical plane parallel to a line load may be calculated.


Modulus of subgrade reaction. The content of the sub-window Modulus of subgrade reaction depends on the selected modulus of subgrade reaction type in the Curve Settings (for all Materials) window. Modulus of subgrade reaction – Secant. Strip Loads - Highways and railroads are examples of strip loads. When AZ 25are parallel to a sheet pile wall, the lateral pressure distribution on the wall may be calculated. AZ 19 SHEET PILING also applies the k1 value to unloading and reloading if the Use an unloading/reloading curve option has been selected in the Curve Settings window. Lateral pressure due to strip load (Boussinesq equation modified by experiment) (after Teng1) Based on the relationships given above,Soil Materials AZ25 window, Modulus of subgrade reaction – Secant sub-window k1, k2, k3 Enter values for the secant moduli at 50, 80 and 100% of Ka − Kp, on the Top side and Bottom side of each AZ26 soil layer. Plots of the lateral pressure distributions under point and line loads and gives the positions of the resultant force for various values of the parameter m. This sub-window AZ 26 only appears if the Secant definition has been selected in the Curve Settings window.