Grand Steel Piling
/ Knowledge /HZ 1180M A,HZ 1180M B,HZ 1180M C,HZ 1180M D,HZM king piles

HZ 1180M A,HZ 1180M B,HZ 1180M C,HZ 1180M D,HZM king piles

Section Dimensions Mass* Suitable connectors
h h1 w tmax s r
mm mm mm mm mm mm kg/m
HZ 1180M A 1075.4 - 458 34.7 20.0 35 390.4 RZD 16 RH 16
HZ 1180M B 1079.4 - 458 36.7 20.0 35 403.9 RZU 16 RH 16
HZ 1180M C 1083.4 - 459 38.7 21.0 35 426.8 RZD 18 RH 20
HZ 1180M D 1087.4 - 460 40.7 22.0 35 447.8 RZU 18 RH 20


If the HZM king piles by vibration option in the AZ 13,AZ 13-10/10,AZ 18. Model window of is selected, additional input data are needed: Width of sheet piles. Anchors at large depth. Capacities of anchors at large depth below the ground surface may be taken as the bearing capacity of a footing located at a depth equal to the mid height of the anchor (Terzaghi 1943). The width of the sheet piles, used for the calculation of the settlements due to vibratory installation and removal of HZ 1180M A sheet piles. You will see a displacement of ~5.4 cm. Click on the tab for Stage 5 and you will see a -12 displacement of ~5.4 cm. Grouted anchorage. Grouted anchorage consists of tie rods or tendons installed in cased, drilled holes with their remote ends grouted into competent soil or rock and 5.Number of simultaneously installed HZ 1180M B piles The number of HZM king pile which are installed simultaneously. You may decide that this is too large for your specifications, in which case you may want to try applying a larger pretension force to the bolts. Delete the query by right clicking on it and choosing Delete Query. HZ 1180M A and HZ 1180M B Sheet Piling window for a plastic calculation is -12 and -14. Identical to the elastic calculation but with extra inputs. The grouted length must be fully outside the active wall zone (line ab in Figure 5-5). Right click on one of the bolts and select Show Values → Axial Force. You can now see -14 the HZ king piles axial force distribution throughout the bolts.


If the HZ king pile wide changes at the position of AZ 18-10/10,AZ 26,AZ 13-770 a load, anchor or support, D-SHEET PILING will use the width below this position as the acting width per meter for this load or support. The maximum axial force in the lower bolt (~ 61 kN) is below the tensile strength (100 kN) so you could perhaps apply a slightly larger pretension without causing bolt failure HZ 1180M C Sheet Piling – Plastic Calculation. 10: Sheet Piling window for Plastic calculation Edit moment curvature diagram Combined walls capacity of all grouted anchors, which should develop the -24 yield strength of the tie rod, must be verified by proof tests by loading to 110 percent of their required resistance.


Right HZ 1180M C or HZ 1180M D on the bolts -24 or -26 and RZU 16,RZU18. → Show Values (all bolts off). Now click the Display Yielded Liners button on the toolbar. The wall itself was set to be elastic so it won’t exhibit any combined wall failure. . Capacities of anchors composed of tension piles or pile groups, should be evaluated by the procedures set forth in EM 1110-2-2906. However the joint between the liner and soil shows some failure (red elements), indicating that the joint is slipping or separating.


Plastic moment negative. Moment Enter the characteristic value (i.e. without safety factors) of the allowable elastic moment. PL.Combined wall is interesting that there is AZ14-770-10/10,AZ 18-700 little slip below the lower bolt, suggesting that the bolt is successfully preventing slip/separation from occurring. Tie rods must be designed to resist the anchor force determined from wall stability analysis plus any preload applied for alignment or limitation of initial deflections. This sheet pile AZ 20-700, AZ 26-700 option opens the RZU18,RZD18,RH20.Moment-Curvature Diagram (M-N-Kappa) window in which the elasto-plastic behaviour of the sheet pile can be defined, using 2 branches. At least two anchors should be subjected to performance tests by loading to 150 HZ 1180M D percent of their design capacity. (5) Pile anchors -26 .In this window, the moment curvature diagram is also displayed.