Grand Steel Piling
/ Knowledge /NSP-IIW,NSP-IIIW,NSP-IVW,NSP 2W,NSP 3W,NSP 4W,sheet pile


Section Dimensions Sectional Area Mass Moment of inertia Modulus of section
Width Height Thickness Pile Wall
b h/2 t          
mm Mm mm cm2/pile kg/m kg/m2 cm4/m cm3/m
NSP-IIW 600 130 10.3 78.7 61.8 103 13000 1000
NSP-ⅢW 600 180 13.4 104 81.6 136 32400 1800
NSP-ⅣW 600 210 18 135.3 106 177 56700 2700


Sheet pile method includes the system characteristics described in NSP-IIW and NSP-IIIW paragraph 5-2b as well as the penetration of the sheet piling, sheet piling material and cross-sectional properties (area, moment of inertia, and modulus of elasticity),Piles must be driven with the untreated interlock leading. The resulting net pressure distribution on the wall, and the method of solution is the same as that presented for the design of cantilevered sheet pile walls in granular soils. The one-dimensional model of a typical 1-foot slice of the NSP-IIW wall/soil system. The point d and the depth of penetration D are chosen so as to satisfy the conditions of static equilibrium; i.e., the sum of the horizontal forces equal to zero-and the sum of the NSP 2W moments about any point equal to zero. Lateral support is provided by the distributed soil springs and concentrated anchor NSP IIW springs. At present, there is no acceptable procedure to account for the effects of wall friction or adhesion in resisting vertical motions of the wall.


Sheet piling are defined at the top and bottom of the NSP-IVW or NSP 2W wall, at soil layer boundaries on each side, at the groundwater elevation on each side, at the anchor elevations Curing time is dependent on environmental conditions and thickness of A-30. DRIVING:The above methods may also be extended to the case where sheet piling is driven in clay and backfilled with granular soil as shown in NSP 3W. And at other intermediate locations to assure that the length of each beam NSP IVW element is no more than 6 inches. Your curing time may vary significantly from above values.


Wall in Cohesive Soil Below Dredge Line - Granular Backfill Above Dredgeline -Limited experimental data indicates that the long-term value of c is quite small, and that for design purposes c may be conservatively taken as zero. The effects of these factors are included in the assessment of the lateral resistance of the soil. The simplified method. The methods of NSP 2W design are exactly the same as discussed previously. When an inclined anchor produces axial force in the piling, the bottom of the wall is assumed to be fixed against vertical translation. Check curing stage before moving sheet piles. Conventional matrix structural analysis is used to relate the deformations of the system (defined by the horizontal and vertical translations and the rotations of the nodes) to the applied external forces. The long-term NSP 4W condition for sheet piling in clays must also be considered, as mentioned previously, due to time dependent NSP 2W changes in and c. The analysis should be carried out using effective stress parameters c' and obtained from consolidated-drained tests, or from consolidated-undrained tests in which pore pressure measurements are made.


This results in a system of NSP 3W or NSP 4W.(for a model with N nodes) nonlinear simultaneous equations which must be solved by iteration. The final value of is usually between 20 and 30 degrees. The lateral pressures in the clay over a long period of time approach those for a granular soil. Therefore, the long-term condition is analyzed as described in the preceding section for granular soils. The details of the analytical procedure are presented in the CWALSSI User’s Guide (Dawkins 1992). 7-5. Nonlinear Soil Springs The forces exerted by the distributed soil springs vary with lateral NSP 3W wall displacement between the active and passive limits. Active and passive soil pressures are calculated for a factor of safety of 1 by the procedures described including wall/soil friction and adhesion. The at-rest pressure po, corresponding to zero wall displacement, is obtained This will help lubricate the interlock. Once driving has started and the pile has hit water (ground water - standing water), the pile must reach its final depth within 2 hours.


NSP IIIW or NSP IVW provides design curves for cantilever sheet piling in cohesive soil with granular soil backfill based upon the simplified method of analysis. This chart allows the designer to obtain directly the depth ratio, D/H, and the maximum moment ratio, as a function of the net passive resistance, 2qu - divided by the expression . Brush the interlock with soapy water when the pile is being picked up to drive. Driving Direction - Drive NSP 4W treated interlock over untreated interlock. The chart is, therefore, independent of the method of NSP 3W obtaining Ka and was developed for a wet unit weight, , equal to twice the submerged unit weight, the values for qu and may be obtained. For the sand backfill, may be found in Table 4 and Ka.


Anchored NSP IIW sheet pile walls derive their support by two means: passive pressure on the front of the embedded portion of the wall and anchor tie rods near the top of the piling. Curing time will vary with temperature and bead size. A-30 will bond to the sheet pile and cure to a cloudy, translucent rubber like material. This method is suitable for heights up to about 35 feet, depending on the soil conditions. For higher walls the use high-strength steel piling, reinforced sheet piling, relieving platforms or additional tiers of tie rods may be necessary. Do not move or drive sheet piles until A-30 has cured. The overall stability of anchored sheet pile walls and the stresses in the members depends on the interaction of a number of factors, such as the relative stiffness of the piling, the depth of piling penetration, the relative compressibility and strength of the soil, the amount of anchor yield, etc. Sheet piles must remain level during the NSP 4W application and curing process. In general, the greater the depth of penetration the lower the resultant flexural stresses. The general relationship between depth of penetration, lateral pressure distribution and elastic line or deflection shape.