Grand Steel Piling
/ Knowledge /(ZZ17-700,ZZ18-700,ZZ19-700,ZZ20-700,ZZ24-700,ZZ26-700)



Section Dimensions Mass Moment
of inertia
of section
  Width Height Thickness Thickness Pile Wall    
  b h t s        
  mm mm mm Mm kg/m kg/m2 cm4/m cm3/m
ZZ12-700 700 314.2 8.6 8.5 67.9 97 18971 1208
ZZ13-700 700 315.2 9.6 9.5 74.2 105.9 20611 1308
ZZ14-700 700 316.2 10.6 10.5 80.5 114.9 22262 1408
ZZ12-770 700 343.5 8.6 8.5 72.8 104 21496 1252
ZZ13-770 700 344 9.1 9 76.2 108.9 22433 1304
ZZ14-770 700 344.5 9.6 9.5 79.6 113.8 23370 1357
ZZ17-700 700 420 8.5 8.4 73.3 104.7 36425 1735
ZZ18-700 700 420.5 9.1 9 76.7 109.6 38001 1807
ZZ19-700 700 421 9.6 9.5 80.2 114.6 39578 1880
ZZ20-700 700 421.5 10.1 10 83.7 119.5 41155 1953
ZZ24-700 700 459.2 11.3 11.2 95.8 136.9 55949 2437
ZZ26-700 700 460.2 12.3 12.2 103 147.1 59843 2601
ZZ27-700 700 460.7 12.8 12.7 106.4 152 61641 2676
ZZ28-700 700 461.2 13.3 13.2 110.1 157.3 63740 2764
ZZ36-700 700 499.2 15.1 11.2 118.7 169.6 89753 3596
ZZ38-700 700 500.2 16.1 12.1 126.51 180.7 94984 3798
ZZ40-700 700 501.2 17.1 13.2 134.28 191.8 100219 3999
ZZ42-700 700 499.2 19.1 14.2 142.9 204.2 105543 4228
ZZ44-700 700 500.2 20.1 15.2 150.71 215.3 110719 4427
ZZ46-700 700 501.2 21.1 16.2 158.47 226.4 115900 4625
ZZ48-700 700 503.2 22.1 15 159 227.1 120144 4775
ZZ50-700 700 504.2 23.1 16 166.39 237.7 125048 4960
ZZ52-700 700 505.2 24.1 17 173.79 248.3 129958 5145
ZZ48-580 580 482 19.2 15.1 139.86 241.1 115712 4801


Sheet piles ZZ17-700 ZZ18-700 earned ZZ19-700 last year as a union painter. For the determination of active lateral earth pressure distributions and additional loadings, the provisions of Article 5.7.2 apply. He has health ZZ17-700 insurance coverage, a pension and access to safety protections, like gloves and respirators. he effects of wall movements on adjacent facilities shall be considered in the selection of the design lateral earth pressures. But Negrete also knows the perils of ZZ18-700 working non-union. Walls that can tolerate little or no movement should be designed for at-rest lateral earth pressure.


Individuals performing cutting and welding, as well as any individual assisting that individual shall wear the proper eye and face protection. For the determination of the apparent lateral earth pressure distributions acting on the ZZ19-700 wall height, H, the provisions of Article apply. This shall consist of tight fitting goggles and/or face shield with the proper shaded lenses. When determining the value for, Ka, for granular soils, the Coulomb theory should be used with the value for the wall friction angle equal to zero.


The proper ZZ 17-700 and ZZ 18-700 protective clothing shall be ZZ 19-700 employed. No one even teaches you how to use a ladder,”says Negrete, who worked for five years as a painter without the benefit of a union contract. For the determination of the active lateral earth pressure ZZ20-700 distributions acting on the wall embedment depth, D, the provisions of Article apply. At least one 10-pound ABC rated fire extinguisher shall be readily available to all welding and cutting operations. The lateral pressure due to traffic, permanent point and line surcharge ZZ24-700 loads, back fill compaction or other types of surcharge loads shall be added to the above lateral earth pressures.“If you complained about paint fumes, they’d tell you to get ZZ26-700 your own respirator.”The Contractor shall provide noise-suppressed generators as required to perform the specified welding work. Refer to Article for the determination of design lateral earth pressures due to surcharge loads.


He tried not to complain about the poor ZZ 17-700 conditions, because“If you told [your bosses] you needed gloves, for example, they’d tell you some other guy would do your job. It was all about saving time and money.”On his low wages, he couldn’t afford anything other than an old subcompact car which frequently ZZ 18-700 broke down. All fuel-operated generators (gas or diesel) shall be located outside the building but not located near fresh air intakes. The effects of horizontal and vertical wall movements on the performance of the wall and on adjacent facilities shall be ZZ 19-700 considered in the development of the wall design. Sometimes, Negrete would have to wake up an hour and a half early in order to walk or bike to work. Barriers or screens shall be used to protect other employees or the traveling public while work is being performed. He could not take time off to attend to the business of his life, knowing that a missed day of ZZ 20-700 work in the non-union world often means losing your job. The passive lateral earth pressure distributions, provided in Article, may be used in the determination of the required embedment of the vertical wall elements. When determining the value for, kp,for granular soils, the provisions of Articles, and may be used. In order to mitigate welding smoke, the Contractor shall furnish and use self-contained mobile, high-efficiency filtration units such as the Plymo Vent MK 800 whenever and wherever welding operations are taking place.


Steel sheet pile ZZ20-700,ZZ24-700 and ZZ26-700 had had enough union pre-apprenticeship program, where he studied math, science and all the classes required to get his GED. Liquid Propane (LP) is Carbon Monoxide (CO) ZZ 24-700 producing. The vertical component of the total passive lateral earth ZZ26-700 pressure should not exceed the available vertical force resistance of the wall and the wall anchors. When CO producing equipment is utilized “indoors”, the Contractor shall have a plan in place to monitor and mitigate the hazard to workers.


Now, as a union painter, Negrete has a pension plan, in addition to healthcare, and less worry about getting ZZ 26-700 injured on the job. Cylinders shall not ZZ24-700 be kept in unventilated enclosures such as lockers, gang boxes, or inside conex boxes.“Union companies provide training and safety equipment,” which is a marked contrast from his earlier painting jobs, said Negrete, a single dad of 7-year-old ZZ20-700 son, Robby. Embedment in intact rock including massive to appreciably jointed rock which should not fail through a joint surface, shall be based on the shear strength, sm, of the rock mass.


ZZ 20-700 and ZZ 24-700 is designed to accept a ZZ 26-700 cap, shall always be in place and hand tight, except when cylinders are in use. The former gang member has come a long way. Oxygen cylinders shall be separated by a minimum of 20 feet or a one (1) hour rated firewall, 5 feet in height. He coaches Little League, has led a team of union painters in painting a local home for the March of Dimes, and has ZZ19-700 tried to recruit young kids like himself into the trades. In determining the required embedment depth to mobilize passive lateral resistance, consideration shall be given to planes of weakness (e.g. slickensides, bedding planes, and joint sets) that could ZZ18-700 reduce the strength of the soil or rock determined by field or laboratory tests. Empty cylinders shall have their valves closed, capped, and identified as “empty”. “I want to be part of something bigger than me,” he says. “I want them to try to get somewhere in life, not working a ZZ17-700 dead-end job.”Storage of empty cylinders shall be separated from full-charged cylinders.