Grand Steel Piling
/ News / Specification for sheet pile

Specification for sheet pile

Tolerance on setting out

Marker pins for the sheet pile dimensions wall position shall be set out and installed by the Contractor. Prior to installation of the sheet pile dimensions wall, the element positions shall be checked by the Contractor and confirmed by Consultant.

Construction Method

The Contractor shall submit with his tender all relevant details of the method of construction of the sheet pile dimensions wall and the plant and monitoring equipment he plans to adopt. Alternative methods may be stated provided it is demonstrated that they satisfy the requirements of the Specification.

Programme of works for sheet pile dimensions

The Contractor shall submit a provisional programme for the execution of the Works at the time of tender and a detailed programme prior to commencement of the Works. He shall inform the Engineer each day of the intended programme of sheet piles wall construction for the following day and shall give 24 hour's notice of his intention to work outside normal hours and at weekends.


The Contractor shall keep as indicated in section 19 of Piling Records for sheet pile dimensions walls, and shall submit two signed copies of these records to the Engineer not later than noon of the next working day after the element was installed.

This article comes from gnpgeo edit released