The design required Arcelor mittal section sheet piles in 6m & 8m lengths, however in one area it was decided to use L601 L602 section sheet piles 9m long, which have been recently introduced to Grand Steel Piling. Total quantiy around 850 tons. The soils consisted of approximately 1.5m of made ground, overlying approximately 4m of medium dense sand, overlying stiff to very stiff clay. The sheet pile installation was completed in six weeks including the backdriving.The sheet pile installation was carried out using a Bauer RTG16 telescopic leader rig with 1000kN variable moment vibro hammer. The backdriving was carried out using a 2.4 tonne hydraulic drop hammer.The clutches of the sheet piles were very tight to give a good watertight t and a concrete capping beam was constructed
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