Grand Steel Piling
/ Knowledge /PU18-1,18,sheet pile,18+1,22,22-1,22+1

PU18-1,18,sheet pile,18+1,22,22-1,22+1

All figures in sheet pile such as geometry and graphical output can be exported in WMF (Windows Meta Files) format. Fine-grain soils subjected to stress changes develop excess (either positive or negative) pore pressures because their low permeability precludes an instantaneous water content change, an apparent φ = 0 condition in terms of total stresses. This file PU 22+1 can be later imported in a Word document for example or added as annex in a report sheet pile may be used in a variety of applications for stream restoration and stabilization. In the File menu, select the option Export Active Window to save the figures in a file. PU18-1 and PU18 are typically used to provide stability to a stream, stream slopes, or other constructed structures in high risk situations. The option Copy Active Window to Clipboard from the File menu can also be used to copy directly the figure in a Word document. The report can be T entirely exported as PDF (Portable Document Format) or RTF (Rich Text Format) file. Typical applications of sheet pile include toe walls, flanking and undermining protection, grade stabilization structures, slope stabilization, and earth retain Thus, their behavior is time dependent due to their low permeability, resulting in different behavior under short-term (undrained) and long-term (drained) loading conditions. The condition of φ = 0 occurs only in normally consolidated soils.


To look at a PDF file Adobe Reader can be used. A PU 22 can be opened and edited with word processors like MS Word. Before exporting the report, a selection of the relevant parts can be done with the option Report Selection. Overconsolidated clays "remember" the past effective stress and exhibit the shear strength corresponding to a stress level closer to the preconsolidation pressure rather than the current stress; It is possible to copy part of a table in another document, PU18+1 and PU22-1 sheet for example. at higher stresses, above the preconsolidation pressure, they behave like normally consolidated clays. While sheet pile can be combined with soil bioengineering techniques, it does have some ecologic and geomorphic disadvantages. If the cursor is placed on the left-hand side of a cell of the table, the cursor changes in an arrow which points from bottom left to top right. Select a specific area by using the mouse. Stream restoration and stabilization may require the use of structural measures to provide lateral or vertical stability to the stream. Then, using the copy button (or ctrl+C) this area can be copied structural measures include concrete retaining walls, drop structures, and sheet pile walls.


The second factor, higher steel sheet pile void ratio, generally means lower shear strength (and more difficult designs). These PU 22-1 measures result in a statically stable stream within the stabilized area and are useful in arresting unacceptable lateral stream migration and local vertical instability. To select a row, click on the PU 18 before the row number. Structural measures may be used when vegetation and other soil bioengineering practices are not stable under the stress or duration of the design event or wherever the consequences of any movement of the banks are unacceptable. To select the complete PU 18+1 table, click on the top left cell. But in addition, it creates other problems.


In some (sensitive) clays the loose structure of the clay may be disturbed by construction operations leading to a much lower strength and even a liquid state. The third factor, the interaction between PU22 and PU22+1, is the main cause of the "different" behavior of clays. To select a column, click on the top cell of the column. In some tables the button Copy is also present at the left hand pane The first two factors, in fact, can be attributed to this (Lambe and Whitman 1969). Other aspects of "peculiar" clay behavior, such as PU 18-1 sensitivity, swelling (expansive soils), and low, effective-φ angles are also explainable by this factor.


Section Dimensions Mass Moment of inertia Modulus of section
Width Height Thickness Per pile Wall
b h t s        
mm mm mm mm kg/m kg/m2 cm4/m cm3/m
PU18-1 600 430 10.2 8.4 72.6 121 35950 1670
PU 18 600 430 11.2 9 76.9 128.2 38650 1800
PU18+1 600 430 12.2 9.5 81.1 135.2 41320 1920
PU22-1 600 450 11.1 9.0 81.9 137 46380 2060
PU22 600 450 12.1 9.5 86.1 143.6 49460 2200
PU22+1 600 450 13.1 10 90.4 150.7 52510 2335