Grand Steel Piling
/ Knowledge /Type III steel sheet pile

Type III steel sheet pile

The design of Type III steel sheet pile was performed in accordance with the requirements of BS5950-1. The effect of the wall deflection is known to reduce the moment on the pile due to stress redistribution in the soil. This reduction could be substantial if the deflection is large. Wall Design Calculations Reports, and a structural factor of 1.2 for static conditions and 1.1 for seismic conditions maintained.

All type 3 sheet piles will interlock together with any other sections from the Arcelor hot rolled range with the exception of straight web piles. The reduction factor, ηd, defined as the ratio of the reduced moment to the theoretical moment under rigid condition is determined empirically with the aid of a design diagram. SP-III sheet piling are normally supplied without handling holes. If requested, they can be provided as illustrated below on the centre line of the section.

In determining required structural capacity, the full yield strength of the material was utilized.
Capacity of the Main Wall Components was then compared with the loads determined in Retaining. All SP-3 sheet pile can be interlocked with each other except type FSP, NS-SP, SKSP, TSP,GSP. Type ISP, JSP, KSP, NKSP JFE, JFESP are 400x125x13 dimensions.. For steel pile moment reduction is allowed since the material is elastic and it will deflect under lateral loading. Therefore, the rigid beam solution given above will result in over design which could be by a large margin at times.



Section Dimensions Sectional Area Mass Moment of inertia Modulus  of section 
Width Height Thickness Pile Wall
b h/2 t          
mm Mm mm cm2/pile kg/m kg/m2 cm4/m cm3/m
400 125 13 76.4 60 150 16800 1340